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Monday Morning Fly By: Coots!

*Sean Couturier has been locked in for another two cheap years. Fantastic news.

*Nice fanpost on the other players the Flyers will need to lock up (or not) in the next year. (BSH)

*Now that the NHL is officially participating in the Olympics, let’s roster-bate a little bit. On who should make up Team USA and Team Canada.

*The schedule was released, meaning we can all plan our lives for the next year. Meltzer on the schedule, Philly.com with key dates for the Flyers, a look at the TV schedule, old and new rivalries within the new division, and just how many miles teams will log during the 2013-14 season.

*Eric T. looks at the ups and downs in the Flyers schedule and the benefits of rest. (BSH)

*The league realignment brings about an new postseason format. (SB Nation)

*Looking at the goaltender interference rule. (Hockey Wilderness)

*Understanding real-time stats like hits and blocked shots. (Backhand Shelf)

*And finally, if you don’t feel like understanding advanced stats, DGB will help you fake it. [Ed. note: I strongly urge you to read this if you don’t know about hockey stats but have any interest in learning. It’s really, really good.] (Grantland)

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