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Tuesday Morning Fly By: Thanks For Nothing, Ottawa

Today’s open discussion thread, complete with your daily dose of Philadelphia Flyers-related news and notes …

  • Peter Laviolette spoke about the Penguins series and who he wants to face in the next round: [CSNPhilly] [NHL.com]
  • Could the postseason matchups really be this favorable for the Flyers? Oh, yes, they can: [SB Nation Philly]
  • Has Erik Gustafsson finally earned a spot in the top-6? [The Checking Line]
  • Remember Claude Giroux’s goal 32 seconds in on Sunday? He got a little help from Steve Sullivan having an atrocious shift: [Backhand Shelf]
  • Niko Hovinen ended the playoffs with a 0.925 sv%, 2.30 GAA, and 2 shutouts in 8 games: [euroflyers]
  • The Bruins/Caps game drew the best overnight rating since 1998 while the Flyers/Penguins game was not far behind: [Puck The Media]
  • Henrik Lundqvist was pretty upset that the Senators‘ second goal was upheld. It’s time for the NHL to let the war room review everything about a play, including any possible penalties. [SBNation.com] [Puck Daddy]
  • ESPN showed twice as much hockey as the the NFL. That’s impressive: [Deadspin]
  • Goalies are stopping more shots: [The Copper & Blue]
  • The culture of hitting in the NHL and the problem with playing through concussions: [Backhand Shelf]
  • “In just an eight second span, the Canucks’ season, which lasted more than 88 hours, came to a crashing halt. Eight seconds is all it takes.” [Backhand Shelf]
  • How often did you see a guy get suspended for something he wasn’t even punished for in-game? What about how often he got a minor and a suspension? [Driving Play]
  • Since we now aren’t going to find out who the Flyers second round opponent until THURSDAY (thanks for nothing again, Ottawa), stay tuned for some absolutely ridiculous filler content. Hint? Rhymes with schmurovision schmeview. We won’t tell you when it’s coming though, so just refresh the page every five minutes or so to be safe.

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