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Wednesday Morning Fly By: Quite a bit of Development

Photo Credit: Heather Barry / Heather Barry Images

*Alright, long weekend: over. Now the long stretch between here and Labor Day. Horrible. Anyway, the Flyers signed Marc Staal.

*Charlie took the time over the holiday weekend to breakdown where Staal fits on the Flyers’ defense and what he’ll bring to the group. [The Athletic]

*Development camp rolls on, and thus far it would appear that Bobby Brink is the early standout. [NBC Sports Philly]

*Not just Brink, though. Eliot Desnoyers is also looking pretty good. [Inquirer]

*Charlie’s been on-site in Voorhees, and he’s got some good insight into some of the new kids, as well as the stand-outs. [The Athletic]

*Is it too early to start thinking about what the opening night roster might look like? No. Absolutely not. Never too early for speculation. Because it’s fun. [Inquirer]

*In that vein, what might the Flyers roster look like a few years into the future, when Matvei Michkov makes his debut? It’s fun to try and guess! [BSH]

*And finally, a new BSH Radio! Running through all of the things that have happened over the past week and a half or so. And there have been a lot of things.

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